
Php itself was designed as template engine, problem is that to make it safe you have to be carefull and its more work, Juice solves that. Juice is Lemons template engine with syntax similar to php. Theese templates can't contain any logic and they are only for displaying content. Juice templates are transpiled into clear php and saved which means they are as fast as writing regular php.

One of the key features of Juice is hackability. It allows changing syntax and by default it has multiple "syntax packages". Theese can be set using config.

By default there are syntax packs for juice, twig-like and blade. To change it, simply change config value.

use Lemon\Templating\Juice\Syntax;

config('templating.juice.syntax', Syntax::blade());
config('templating.juice.syntax', Syntax::twig());

More about hacking in hacking/templating

Creating templates

Templates by default are stored in folder templates outside of folder public. Every trmplate has extension .juice

Displaying templates

To display template, simply return Template instance, this can be obtained with either static method \Lemon\Template::make('name', variables) or function template('name', key: value) where name doesn't have extension and . will be replaced with directory separator. Variables you pass (in static method as array, in function using named arguments) will be then available in the template.

Another way is to create route with only template using \Lemon\Route::template(path, template) where if template is missing it will use the path as path to the template.


Syntax can be divided in two parts, output and directive.

Syntax highlighting


Download official plugin

Other editors

For most editors, html highlighting should work.

To enable html highlighting on github, simply put this into .gitattributes:

*.juice linguist-language=html


In raw php you would do something like <?php echo $variable ?> however this is unsafe because if our variable has some html content inside it will be rendered which can lead to (xss attack)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_scripting?wprov=sfti1]. In Juice you can use {{ content }} syntax which thanks to context-aware escaping (concept from nette) is lot safer as it escapes differently in different parts of html.

If you for some reason don't want to use escaping, there is {! content !}. But use it only if you know for 100 % what you are doing.


Directives are basicaly control structures such as conditions, etc. They use { } syntax and they are like <?php ?> with exception that dey dont use braces. They are divided into pairable (those which must be closed) and unpairable. Closing tags use one of / or end with name of directive that is being closed.


{ if $foo === 1 }
{ elseif $foo > 1 } 
{ else }
{ endif }

Instead of { endif } you can use { /if } which as covered before also applies to every pair directive.

For { if !something } there is syntax sugar { unless something }


{ foreach $foo as $item }
{ /foreach }

{ while $1 }
{ /while }

{ for $i = 0; $i < 100; ++$i }
{ /for }


{ switch $foo }
{ case 1} 
{ case 2 }
{ endswitch }


Include directive supports to add content of another template into curent.

{ include 'foo' }


Layout are basicaly templates for templates, you define layout template with yields which are spots that will be replaced with blocks in template that extends this layout.

{-- layout.juice --}

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>{ yield 'title' }</title>
    { yield 'content' }

{-- home.juice --}

{ extends 'layout'}

{ block 'title' } Home { /block }

{ block 'content' }
{ /block }