Terminal in depth

Untill we started spliting our app, we were able to use index as cli - php public/index.php but this doesn't work anymore, we have to implement this by our own. Create file lemonade, actually you can name it as you want. This file will be our cli. We have to put here code that will actually run our commands, based on Terminal component.


/** @var \Lemon\Kernel\Application $app */
$app = include __DIR__.'/init.php';

// --- Loading commands ---

$app->get('terminal')->run(array_slice($argv, 1));

This code takes terminal component from app and runs it with arguments.

Now if we do php lemonade it will work as we know.

Custom commands

You can also add your own commands. To do that, create file with commands (e.g commands.php) and load it:


/** @var \Lemon\Kernel\Application $app */
$app = include __DIR__.'/init.php';

// --- Loading commands ---

require __DIR__.'/commands.php';

$app->get('terminal')->run(array_slice($argv, 1));

To define command, use Terminal::command():


use Lemon\Terminal;

Terminal::command('say:hi {name}', function($name) {
    echo 'Hi '.$name;
}, 'says hi');

{name} is required command argument, to make optional, use {name?}. Then there is function which is executed and description.

Now, if we type php lemonade say:hi name=majkel we will get Hi majkel.

Html rendering

To make our commands more beautiful, we can render text with colours. Regulary, to do e.g red text, you would have to do \033[33mHello\033[0m. Lemon provides html rendering inspired by termwind.

To render you have to use $this->out():


use Lemon\Terminal;

Terminal::command('say:hi {name}', function($name) {
    $this->out("<div class='text-red'>Hi {$name}</div>");
}, 'says hi');

Supported tags: - div - h1 - hr - b - i - u - br - p

Supported classes: - text-black - text-red - text-green - text-yellow - text-blue - text-magenta - text-cyan - text-white - bg-black - bg-red - bg-green - bg-yellow - bg-blue - bg-magenta - bg-cyan - bg-white