Lemon Documentation

Get Started

Lemon is Micro Framework which means that you can build full website app in one file, which is great for beginners. More about Lemon
Version: 1.3.4


Installation is provided by composer composer create-project lemon_framework/lemon:dev-master project-name
Lemon won't build your project, only download framework. You need to make file index.php that will be main file of your project and then run using php -S localhost:port

    /index.php #here starts your app


This is minimal app built using Lemon:
require "lemon/framework.php";

Route::get("/relative/(.+)/", function($var)
        echo $var;

Route::any("/", function()
        echo "hi";

Route::handler(404, function()
        echo "404";


Framework reference

Lemon from version 1.0.0 provides basic actions like routing or template system.
On start of every app must be require "leomon/framework.php";


Routing in Lemon is based on class Route and its inspired by Laravel's routing. This class has 3 main static methods to create routes.
The methods are:
  • ::get - creates route that allows only method GET
  • ::post - creates route that allows only method POST
  • ::any - creates route that allows only methods GET and POST
Note: If you will send request that is not allowed by route it will throw response 400.
All those methods has 2 arguments Path and Action
  • Path is way to get to the route.
  • Action is function that is called when user visits the page.
Class route also provides to run your app. To run just type Route::execute() on the end of the code.
Without this your app won't work.
Dynamic routes
Lemon provides you to make dynamic routes, to make dynamic part, just put (.*) and in your route output function argument.
Route::get('/dynamic/(.+)', function ($arg)
        echo $arg;


require "leomon/framework.php";

Route::get('/get', function()
        echo 'You can only get here!';

Route::post('/post', function()
        echo 'You can only post here!';

Route::any('/any', function()
        echo 'You can get and post here!';


Template system

Template system is way to run html from external file with Cross Site Scripting prevention. Since version 1.2.0 Lemon has custom template syntax inspired byJinjaa. To start with templates, just make folder views in your project folder and every new template add into this folder as template_name.lemon.php.
Your folder should look like this:

    /views #Here are all the templates
        /home.lemon.php #Example template
    /index.php #main php file with all the routes
To view template just use function view(filename, params) In this function don't use the .lemon.php
To add variables to template add as second parameter one of those:
  • compact("var", "var2",...)
  • ["var_name" => "var_value"]

Template syntax

{{ $var }} Shows variable defined in view function

{% foreach($var as $var): %}
loops everything that is here
{% endfor; %}


{% if (condition) %}

{% else if (condition): %}

{% else: %}

{% endif; %}
With {%%} can be provided any php action.



Route::get('/' function()
        $stuff = ['php', 'vim', 'lemon'];
        view('awesome_view', compact("stuff"));


Cool stuff
{% foreach ($stuff as $item) %}
    {{ $item }}
{% endfor %}

Error handling

Class Route has also static method ::handler which provides you to make custom error handling pages.
This class has 2 arguments: (int) Error and function that is called when the error occurs.
Since version 1.1.0 Lemon supports those errors: If you won't use custom error handlers, Lemon will throw basic error.


Route::handler(400, function ()
        echo "Bad request on page".$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];


Class Session provides you to make session actions through static methods: To make it work, you need to put it on the top of your app.

CSRF protection

Lemon provides CSRF protection by class CSRF: To make it work, you need to start session
If you enable csrf protection in your route by CSRF::check() you need to add @csrf to every post form in your template.


require "lemon/framework.php";


Route::any("/", function() {




Here are other functions that may help you building cool stuff.


Function redirect($link) redirects user to specified URL.


Function jsonify($array) makes json from array that can be fetched by request.


Function console($message, $color) sends message to php console. It's mainly debug tool


Function isUserPodvodnik($user) returns whenever user is podvodnik.
Lemon micro framework built by Ten Majkl-> GitHub